Grief Therapy in Salt Lake City, UT

Grief TherapyLoss creates an emptiness.

Losing a partner from either death or divorce creates a void in your life that can be hard to fill without a therapy service.

Sure, when together, you and your partner argued, and perhaps your relationship faltered at some point. But the two of you also had learned to rely on each other and share life experiences.

Despite the incompatibilities between the two of you, separation creates grief and doubt.

Losing a loved one to an accident, disease, or another type of fatality is another form of loss that causes grief. Suddenly, you are left alone with no idea what is in store for you next.

You wonder, “What’s next if anything?”

Your world ended when they left you.

After years of being part of a pair, learning to live again on your own is the most challenging thing you’ve had to do. You don’t know how to handle this new world of “just me.”

You want to crawl into bed to escape growing piles of bills, constant voicemails, and the endless reminders that they are gone. But lying there next to the cold hole they left provides little comfort.

The pain only grows when you instinctively reach out to feel nothing. You lie awake thinking of what you could have done differently, silently begging for a chance to do whatever is necessary to bring them back and make things normal again.

The fact that the rest of the world seems to move on quickly (and expects you to do the same) only exaggerates the sense of being totally on your own.

Divorce CounselingBeginning to Lose Yourself

You try to face day-to-day tasks bravely. But as you struggle at work, you find your concentration and motivation slacking. Regular meals and exercise have gone down the toilet, and you can’t find happiness in things that used to bring you joy.

Not to mention that your emotions feel off the charts. When you’re not feeling depressed, anger takes center stage.

You direct this anger at your loved one for leaving, God or the universe for allowing this to happen, yourself for not being able to prevent it, and friends and family for not being there when you need them and for not leaving you alone.

You worry you’re going crazy. Worst of all, you don’t remember the person you were when it was only you years ago. It feels impossible to think of a happy life being single again.

Finding Acceptance and Meaning

Grief and loss are some of the most debilitating experiences in this life.

Losing a spouse or partner is especially devastating. We not only lose their companionship and love, but we also lose the person we would most likely turn to for comfort when we feel hurt.

There is no easy fix for grief, and there is little we can do to speed up the process.

We can, however, lessen some of the debilitating pain, learn how to build our lives again as an individual, and eventually find acceptance and value in the time we had with our loved one through in-person or online therapy.

Death CounselingGain Understanding and Learn to Manage Your Feelings

At Beacon Therapy of Utah, we’ll help you understand your experience of grief and manage when it feels overwhelming.

We’ll also help you learn positive habits and traditions that help you honor your loved one and find confidence and happiness as an individual.

With time and consistency, we’ll help you find meaning not necessarily in the event of the loss itself but in the life you had with your loved one and their lasting impact on you.

You don’t have to grieve alone. Contact Us today.
