Individual Adult Therapy in Salt Lake City, UT
Is this all there is? What am I missing?
You’ve put so much effort, time, and energy into the life you have now. But at night, when it’s only you and your thoughts, you can’t help but feel dissatisfied, unfulfilled… cheated.
While you appreciate the things you thought to be most important (family, a good job, security), the feeling that something is missing or that you’re not good enough doesn’t go away, leaving you feeling hollow.
You’ve focused so much on checking off the boxes of what you “should” do that you’ve lost sight of what you want to do and who you want to be.
It’s hard to think outside the box, but this may be where that missing part lives.
Find Yourself Again With Individual Adult Therapy
You don’t have to feel lost or unfulfilled. Beacon Therapy of Utah’s certified therapists can help you explore what truly matters to you and how to start living a life that feels meaningful and satisfying.
As dissatisfaction festers, you lose more of yourself.
You become faster to anger with family over minor things – snapping when the kids are too loud or when you can’t find your laptop.
Quirks you used to tolerate in your spouse now get under your skin. As a result, you don’t know how to talk to them anymore without getting into an argument.
Going out doesn’t feel the same anymore, and you spend more time alone and find excuses to miss plans with friends.
Work no longer makes you feel valuable or successful, and you question what you have to offer.
You think, “Who am I anyway?
It feels like you’re known more as “Bobby’s mom,” “the breadwinner,” or “the helpful next-door neighbor” than as yourself. You’re not sure if you even know who you are anymore.
You try doubling down on what you “should” do to make things better, but it leaves you more discouraged and bitter than ever.
You want something more, but you can’t shake the feeling that things can’t change – that you’re stuck!
Fighting that voice that wants more weakens what you currently have.
You desperately want something more in your life; but in a rush to do everything you “should,” you neglect yourself. Wanting things for yourself makes you feel selfish, and you fight guilt anytime you think about making a change for yourself.
Ironically, you’re so preoccupied with emotions of mediocrity, failure, dissatisfaction, and guilt that it makes you less successful and effective than if you did something for yourself.
The worry, stress, and lack of self-care take you away from being fully present with family, work, church, and other essential parts of your life.
Relationships become threatened, responsibilities drop, and emotions become uncontrollable because only following the “shoulds” doesn’t fully provide what you need to be happy and fulfilled.
Rediscover Your Values and Regain Control
Don’t let the “shoulds” control your life. Our compassionate team is here to help you align with your true self, fostering stronger relationships, greater success, and deeper fulfillment.
Therapy helps you go beyond the “shoulds.”
It’s okay to want something more for yourself!
Individual therapy provides an opportunity to identify and tackle some unhelpful beliefs and habits that keep you stuck doing only the “shoulds” and start doing more of what makes you feel fulfilled and happy.
Beacon Therapy of Utah’s therapy services focus on helping you rediscover the values and goals that brought excitement and purpose into your life.
As you live in line with those values and goals, your relationships will become more harmonious, you’ll feel more successful and less frustrated and discouraged, and you’ll be able to bring meaning back into your life.
What you want is important. So stop chasing “shoulds” and Contact Us today to set up your first session.